StartseiteSie...Wir...Wie arbeiten wir...Ihr Vorteil...Kein Kosten...Wir sind...Übrigens...



Start your own Art Gallery...



How we work...

Your advantage...

No costs...

We are...

By the way...

Wholesale: Acrylic and Oil paintings

Kunst, Bilder, Malerei verkaufen! Wie geht das?

Kunst-Marketing für Galerien und Kunsthandel

Online-Galerie - Malerei, Gemälde kaufen

Kunst, Malerei, Gemälde zu günstigen Preisen

Unser Motto: Große Kunst zu günstigen Preisen

5 gute Gründe - Kunst kaufen, Kunst verkaufen

Exklusives Wohnen mit Kunst, Malerei, Gemälden

Impressum - Imprint


Starting a Business - Business Start Up - Art Gall

Business Guide

Business Partner

Start Your Own ART Gallery.
We are looking for a Partner in Europe.
Fact: more people are buying ART today than ever before.

A Unique Business Opportunity.
Get insider tips and expert advice.
We have 20 years of experience

What makes us unique?
Our specialised ART business concept,
plus our provision of services for free.

Starting your own art gallery is about more than just having a dream.
Proper steps need to be taken to ensure a successful start to your business.

Starting a Business - Art Business Start Up

Since our founding 20 years ago, we have got to know many extraordinary and talented artists whose paintings we can no longer sell alone. Nonetheless, the artists deserve to have their paintings sold. For that we need your help.

The art4berlin gallery offers you a collaboration.
The concept is suitable for people new to the business; it also works as an ancillary business.

Our concept of art, at its most fundamental, is based on a simple principle: Making art affordable without forgoing its individuality, quality, authenticity and beauty.

Our paintings don’t have to be bought by you – they just have to be shown.
We have been tipped for success since 1990.


You enjoy art and aesthetics and can imagine setting up a gallery…

» Our gallery:

Setting up & running an art gallery

Start YOUR Art Gallery Business!
- Contemporary Art - Special Surprises - Open up your own Art Gallery -
Contemporary paintings combined with high quality, timeless design from classic to modern. We are specialised to help you finding “your” paintings for your own Art Gallery.

Art-collection for Art-buyers

Latest art-trends of the Berlin art-scene, a large, sensual, extravagant art-collection for art-buyers.

How to Organize an Art Gallery

Business concept – setting up an Art Gallery! A new job, a new life, new satisfactions…

How to Start an Art Gallery Business: We show you the easiest way!

To set up a gallery to showcase and sell artworks

We are a contemporary gallery committed to selling

quality art, large format paintings at affordable prices

» You...